Tuesday, May 10, 2011


1. Go to Gamzon-Workshop.
2   Check out This American Life        .http://www.thisamericanlife.org/podcast
3.View video:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4IBSseAJlk&feature=related
4.  Find other podcasts online that you find interesting.
5. Look at the GarageBand instructions for podcasts. 
6.  Post a comment with 6 recommended podcasts.

Work with your group to brainstorm podcast ideas and present a proposal to Ms. Gamzon by the end of the period.
Proposal should be written out, specifying:

a. Group Members:

b. Podcast Idea:
c. Sources for podcast--interviews, research, other podcasts, etc.
d. Responsibilities: What will the members of your group be doing: