Thursday, April 26, 2012

Podcasting--Lesson for 4/27

 A useful podcast from High School Broadcast Journalism:

Before we go into television broadcasting next marking period, let's work on developing a podcast.
For this assignment, you will work in small groups to develop a podcast on a subject that the group finds interesting to develop and record.   Yes, RECORD!  Podcasts are audio files uploaded to the internet.

Using Garageband, you will be able to edit music and voices to make your podcasts.  You also have other
sound recording and editing tools on your computer.

But first, here are some questions to consider.  Post your response to these questions on the blog.

Part 1: Podcasting 101

  • Do you own or have access to an IPod or other MP3 device or a home computer?
  • Are you are familiar with the term podcast and what it means?
  • Have you ever listened to a podcast?
  • Do you currently listen to/subscribe to at least one podcast on a regular basis? 

2.  Read the NewsHour article from 2005.  How has the world of podcasting changed since then? 

3.  Next, listen to a podcast by linking to the PBS or NPRwebsite below!  Pick a podcast from these sites that interests you!  There are so many choices...but look for podcasts that reflect your interests.

Take notes about the podcast you listen to on the graphic organizer (MAP) and turn it in at the end of class.

PBS and NPR podcasts:


4. Finally, form a group to work on creating a podcast.  Brainstorm ideas with your group.  Look over the podcast planning sheet and fill out what you can.